Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Homosexuality and gay marriage

Homosexuality and gay marriage are a hot topic today. Up until a couple of decades ago it was never talked about and could even send someone in jail for two to ten years and/or a fine of $2,000. Needless to say a lot has changed since then and homosexuality has slowly become accepted as normal by mainstream America, and even the world. What hasn't changed is what the bible has to say about it:

"Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination"

There are many verses in both old and new testaments which condem the "act" of homosexuality. I will not go over all those verses here, however it is clear by biblical standards homosexuality is a sin, which is called an abomination.  The Hebrew word for abomination is towebah, which means wickedness or abominable (to God). Comparing homosexuality to an abomination seems to distinguish it from other sexual sins such as adultery and fornication.  So why is homosexuality a sin anyways?

When God created Eve for Adam He set a precedence, a model if you will for us to follow. God then created the institution of marriage between a man and a women, "a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Gen 2:24)". We see the purpose of sex is for procreation,  "be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. (Gen 1:28)" So we see the model that God created, a physical union between a man and a women for the purposes of procreating and creating families.  Therefore homosexuality is a sin for the same reason adultery and fornication are a sin, because they operate outside the design and order that God created.

Often times those who disagree with homosexuality are portrayed as hateful and homophobic. However this is not true, you can disagree with someone's lifestyle without hating them or fearing them. And you can love someone without having to agree with everything they do or believe. I've known as few homosexuals and I have treated them with the same respect that I would treat anyone else, and that's how it should be.

I understand there are people who truly struggle with homosexuality. I don't believe they are born that way, there are probably environmental factors involved, but everyone struggles with some sinful desires. For some it might be drugs for others it might be gambling or promiscuity, etc.  We all have sinful desires but those feelings do not make something right. A person may feel like cheating on his wife, for example, but because he feels like committing adultery does not make it right. We may not always choose how we feel but we can choose to act on those feelings or not. It's like the difference between thinking about robbing a bank and actually robing a bank, one will get you in trouble the other won't.  Likewise with homosexuality the sin is not feeling a certain way or being attracted to the same sex, the sin is making a decision to act on those feelings and engage in homosexual relationships. Therein is where the sin lies and the choice.

While homosexuality has been around for thousands of years the notion of gay marriage is relatively new. From a Christian perspective the idea of gay marriage is anti-God, it is a rebellion against the union that God established between a man and a woman. During Old Testament times sin brought severe judgements against nations and cities, like Sodom and Gomorrah. Luckily we live in a period of grace, however if we continue to ignore what God says about it and call good evil and evil good we will eventually see those very same judgements brought upon us.

Religious arguments aside, there are social implications to gay marriage to consider. You've probably all seen the the equal symbol on Facebook of those who support gay marriage. They may not realize it, but the notion of (social) equality is an ideology of Marxism, which has permeated all aspects of our society today. Equality ignores if doing something is inferior or not or what consequences it will bring, only that it's fair and equal. Marriage between a man and a woman has been the standard since time immemorial. In redefining marriage we don't know the social consequences of changing this  basic building block of any society because it has never been tried before in all of history. It opens the door to pluralistic marriage, polygamy, and incestuous marriages because the same arguments for same sex marriage can apply to those as well. Anything goes. That alone should make one pause to consider the social implicates of redefining marriage.

Also as gay marriage becomes legal, the gay population essentially gains a right and those who disagree lose a right. If a pastor refuses to marry a homosexual couple or if a business does not want to support same sex marriage then they become liable for lawsuits, which has already begun and will only get worse with time. Ultimately I believe this will bring about religious persecution not just for Christians, but for other faiths as well who believe in traditional marriages.

In closing there is an agenda afoot to make homosexuality not only tolerated but accepted, by force if necessary. The strategy is laid out in a 1989 book called "After the Ball", written by two homosexual activists. In their book they describe three techniques used to change the minds of Americans through propaganda, Desensitization, Jamming, and Conversion. Desensitization gets people used to the gay lifestyle by inundating them with gay related advertising. We can see this being done in movies and television shows. Jamming works to change people's thoughts and feelings about homosexuality through shame, doubt, and peer pressure. Those who disagree are made to appear as bigots, again through the use of propagandist advertisement. Conversion is the ultimate goal to persuade the Average American to join there cause. You can read more about it here.