Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pre-trib Typologies - Ruth and Boaz

Ruth and Boaz

The story of Ruth and Boaz is a picture of the rapture. The story begins with a Jewish woman named Naomi who losses everything when her husband dies and she decides to return to Bethlehem with her daughter-in-law Ruth, whose husband also died. In Bethlehem a relative of Naomi named Boaz falls in love with Ruth and eventually they marry. In the process Noami's land and position is redeemed under Jewish law.

Naomi, a Jew, is a picture of Israel left alone and destitute. Ruth, a gentile, is a picture of the gentile church. Boaz, a Jew, is a picture of the Messiah. Boaz was a kinsmen redeemer for Ruth, whom he took as his bride. Likewise Christ is our kinsmen redeemer who will take us, the church, as His Bride.

During Wheat harvest a threshing board was used to separate cereals from their straw. Incidentally the Latin word for this farm instrument was called a tribulum, which is where we get the English word tribulation. Before the wheat harvest we find Ruth suddenly at the feet of Boaz. The picture is that of church, the Bride of Jesus at his feet before the tribulation. Just as Boaz marriage to Ruth redeemed Naomi, likewise Israel will become redeemed from destruction and it's lands restored.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pre-trib Typologies - Isaac and his marriage to Rebekah

Issac and his marriage to Rebekah

Issaac as a type of Jesus:
As Isaac is a type of Jesus we also see parallels between Isaac's life and Jesus' life:

Both were children of promise (Gen 15:4, Isa 7:14)

Both births were pronounced (Gen 18:10; Luk 1:30-31)
Both were named before their birth (Gen 17:19, Mat 1:31)
Both were a miraculous birth. Sarah was old and barren, Mary was a virgin.
Both were called the "only Son" (Gen 22:2; Heb 11:17 and John 3:16)
Both were mocked and persecuted by there own kindred. (Gen 21:9-10; Gal 4:28-29; Mat 27:29)
Neither had broken any laws deserving of death (Gen 22:2; Matt 27:24) . Isaac carried his the wood on which he was to die (Gen 22:6), Jesus carried his own Crucifixion stake. (John 19:17)
Issac went willingly to the alter (Gen 22:9;), Jesus went willingly to His Crucifixion. (John 10:17)
Issac was taken to Golgotha on Mt. Moriah (Gen 22:1-2), Jesus was taken to Golgotha on Mt. Moriah
Both were given up by their father. (Gen 22:2; Matt 27:46)
In both cases God intervened and ensured life, before the offering took place.

Eliezer as a type of the Holy Spirit:
Eliezer was a servant of Abraham. The Holy Spirit is a servant of God.
Eliezer was sent to Haran for a bride for Issac. The Holy Spirit was sent from Heaven to get a bride for Jesus.
Eliezer was not sent for a bride until AFTER he was offered up. The Holy Spirit was not to get a bride for Jesus until After His death and resurrection.
As Eliezer did not talk about himself but his Master's son, The Holy Spirit does not talk about Himself but about Jesus.
As Eliezer was urgent, so the Holy Spirit is urgent
As Eliezer gave gifts to Rebekah, so the Holy Spirit gives gifts to us

When Eliezer got Rebekah's consent to be the bride of Issac. he himself took her back to Issac-he did not send her back while he remained with her kinsfolk. So when the bride, the church, is ready the Holy Spirit will be in heaven with her.

Rebekah as a type of Bride of Jesus:
As Rebekah was a virgin, the bride will be presented as Espoused Virgin to Jesus.
As Rebekah believed and yielded to the pleadings of Eliezer, so the Bride believes and yields to the pleadings of the Holy Spirit. 
As Rebekah was willing to separate herself from her kinsfolk, so the Believer is willing to separate himself from his kinsfolk for Jesus' sake.
Rebekah's family proclaimed her "The mother of thousands of ten thousands; And may your descendants possess The gates of those who hate them." (Gen 24:60), Likewise the Assembly of Believers will bring thousands of millions of Believer's to Jesus.
As Elizer, on his way to Isaac, told Rebekah all about his Master Issac and what was in store for her, so the holy spirit, as we journey on our earthy pilgrimage, tells us what's in store for us when we shall meet our Issac--Jesus.
As Rebekah was a Gentile Bride, the Body of Jesus is a Gentile Bride.
As Rebekah did not have to pass through any tribulation before she left her home to go to Issac, so the Believer's will not have to pass through the tribulation before meeting Jesus.

As Issac left his home and went out into the field to meet Rebekah, so Jesus will descend down from Heaven to meet His Bride, the Believers in the air. Just as it was the end of the day when Issac met Rebekah (Gen 24:63), so shall it be the end of the day (End of this Dispensation of Grace) When Jesus meets His Bride. As Issac came from the well of La-hai-roi, which means Presence of Him that Liveth and Seeth; so Jesus will leave His Father's Presence who Liveth and Seeth, to meet His Bride.

Just as Joesph took his Gentile bride BEFORE the seven years of famine, Rebekah did not have to go through any tribulation before she was taken. The picture of that of Issac getting his bride without tribulation, is that of Jesus coming for His Bride without tribulation. Some have compared Jesus coming for His bride after tribulation to spousal abuse. On the contrary all pre-tribulation typologies show a shadow of good things to come not bad.

Pre-trib Typologies - The Typology of Joseph as a picture of the Messiah

The typology of Joseph as a picture of the Messiah
Joesph can be see as type of Messiah in that there lives had many parallels. For example:

Joseph was a Shepherd (Gen 37:2)
Jesus was a Shepherd (Jh 10-11)

Loved by the Father (Gen 37:3)
This is my beloved Son (Mt 3:17)

Brethren did not believe him (Gen 37:5)
Neither did the brethren believe in Him (Jn 7:5)

Brethren hated him (Gen 37:4)
They hated both Me and my Father (Jn 15:24)

Brethren rejected his reign (Gen 37:8)
We will not have this man reign (Lk 19:14)

Conspired against him (Gen 37:23)
Took counsel against Him (Mt 27:1)

They stripped him (Gen 37:23)
They stripped Him (Mt 27:28)

Sat down and watched him (Gen 37:25)
Sitting down they watched Him (Mt 27:36)

Sold for silver (Gen 37:28)
Sold for silver (Mt 26:15)

Everything prospered in his hands (Gen 39:3)
and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hands (Isa 53:10)

All things were put into his hands (Gen 39:4-8)
Hath given all things into His hand (Jn 3:35)

Bound and imprisoned (Gen 39:30)
Bound and led away (Mt 27:2)

With two malefactors (Gen 40:2-3)
With two malefactors (Lk 23:32)

One received message of life, the other died (Gen 40:21-22)
One thief penitent – Today you shall be with me in paradise (Lk 23:43)

None so discreet and wise (Gen 41:39)
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:3)

They bow the knee to him (Gen 41:43)
Every knee shall bow (Phil 2:10)

Thirty years old (Gen 41:45)
About 30 years old (Lk 3:25)

God used Joseph’s suffering to save (Gen 50:2)
God used Jesus' suffering to bring blessing (Ro 5:8)

Given power over all Egypt (Gen 41:42-44)
All power given unto Jesus (Mt 28:18)

Gentile bride to share his glory (Gen 41:45)
The Believer in Jesus will share His glory eternally

God promised a place of rulership (Gen 37:8)
The government shall be on His shoulder (Isa 9:6)

Cast into a pit, but delivered from it (Gen 37:24, 28)
Now he that ascended, what is but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth (Eph 4:9)

Imprisoned on false charges (Gen 39:19-20)
For many gave false witness against Him (Ml 14:56)

His brothers did not recognize him with their first meeting but with their second they did (Gen 42:8, 45:1)
His brothers did not recognize him with their First Coming but with the Second they will (Jn 5:43,Mat 23:39, Zec12:10)

Joseph dealt with his brethren as to bring them to repentance (Gen 42:7)
If they shall confess their iniquity… then I will remember my covenant (Lev 26:40, 42)

Joseph reveals himself to his brothers during their imprisonment (Gen 45:1)
… in their affliction they will seek me early. (Hos 5:15)

After Joseph's revelation of himself to his brethren, they proclaim that he has saved their lives
(Gen 47:25)
So when Jesus reveals Himself to His brethren the Jews, they will proclaim Him alive and the Saviour Of Mankind (Zec 12:10)

Joseph then establishes his brethren and their families in the “land of Goshen” (Gen 45:10)
Jesus will re-establish the Jews in the Promised Land (Gen 15)

If the life of Joesph and Jesus so closely parallel one another then we should also pay close attention to Joesph's marriage. After Joesph was exalted he married Asenath, a gentile bride, BEFORE the seven years of famine. Likewise Jesus will get a bride after his resurrection. After Joesph got his bride Egypt, which is a picture of the world, suffered a seven year famine. Likewise after Jesus gets His Bride the world will go through a seven year tribulation.