I am writing this on November 23rd 2020 to make a bold statement, and that is Donald J. Trump WILL win this election. Impossible you say? Oh, I'm aware of how it "looks" in this moment, and I also know the odds are stacked against him. But there is a trump card in the mix that will change the game, and that trump card is God. So here are my reasons why God will intervene and turn this election around in Trump's favor.
1. The prophetic world has said that he would get two terms, and God is not going to let His prophets be put to shame. I already know some have said "But the prophets were wrong, Trump didn't win in a landslide." But before you stone the prophets, consider this. I believe Trump did win in a landslide, but the enemy is trying to steal it. Moreover, this election is still not over. The states have yet to certify the election, and there are lawsuits in motion.
2. The prophetic world has said that Trump is God's pick. Aside from what the prophets have said the Bible says you will know them by their fruits. In the past four years Trump has upheld the sanctity of life, made Israel's enemies to be at peace with them, moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, and upheld religious freedoms, among other accomplishments. This is how you know Trump is God's pick, because he's on God's side. That makes Trump God's anointed. Anointed simply means "chosen one". Psalm 105:15 said "Touch not my anointed." Not even David would kill God's anointed, Saul, when he had the chance. When they try to steal an election and cast aside God's anointed, they are not fighting against Trump, they are fighting God Himself and He will NOT let that challenge go unanswered.
3. Trump has been a blessing to Israel by brokering peace with her enemies. God told Abraham that He would make him into a great nation and bless those that bless him, and curse those who curse him (Gen 12:3). That includes his descendants after him. As proof, Balaam was unable to curse the Israelites. God has not forgotten what Trump has done for Israel. He will bless him and the enemy cannot curse what the Lord has blessed.
4. God is using Trump to set the stage for Roe vs Wade to be overturned. As proof God has paved the way for a pro-life woman, Amy Coney Barrett, to sit on the Supreme Court. If Biden were to become president he would pack the Supreme Court and make Trump's last three picks irrelevant. God is not going to allow His plans to be thwarted by fraud and deception.
5. God's hand has been upon Trump through the Russian collusion hoax to the election interference and impeachment fiasco. He has not preserved Trump these last four years only to be cast aside and put to shame now. Isaiah 54:17 says no weapon formed against you shall prosper. No weapon the enemy has used against Trump has worked and neither will this.
6. God is using Trump in a mighty way because He has big plans not only for America, but for the entire world. The enemy knows this, which is why they have been fighting so hard. This election is the key to it all. He is not going to allow the enemy to derail His plans because that would mean the enemy's will is greater than God's will, and that's just not possible.
7. If Biden is elected it would open the floodgates to an anti-Christ agenda that would hasten the events of Revelation and deprive God of His harvest of souls. God will not be denied His harvest, and He will act.
8. The prayers of millions of saints in the United States and around the world are currently bombarding heaven over this election. God has heard these prayers and He's not going to allowed our words to return to us void. Know that He is working rather we see it or not.
9. God likes to work in impossible situations because that's when He gets the glory. Recall that when the Israelites were fleeing Egypt during the exodus they were trapped with the Red Sea to their right and the enemy to their left. They were stuck in a seemingly impossibly situation. When it seemed like all hope was lost God intervened and not only saved His people, but destroyed their enemy in the process. This is our Red Sea moment. Remember also Gideon. God winnowed Gideon's army down from 32,000 to just 300 men to take on the Midianites whose numbers were so great they were described as sand on the seashore. God likes it when the odds are against us.
Trust God that things are playing out the way they are for a greater good. Consider this, if Trump had won in a landslide on November 3rd we never would have known how bad the corrupt has gotten and in four years America would still be on the brink of destruction. Could it be that God has set a trap for the enemy and is leading them to a place to receive a fatal blow from which they will not be able to recover from? I believe this election will serve that purpose. It has put the corruption under a microscope and the exposure is going to shake the world. Hold on, because it's not over. Just remember, God is never late but He's usually last moment. Our job in the interim is to stand steadfast and intercede for the proper outcome of this election. Fight on!
5/1/2024 Update: It's been nearly four years since I've written this post. Was I wrong? Well, yes and no. I continue to stand by everything I wrote, and I still believe everything is still in play. What I was wrong about was the timing. Many of us believed it would happen then, but, as it turns out, the path to the finish line isn't always a straight line. In retrospect, I believe it was necessary for Trump to step away at the time because certain things still had to play out. But here we are in another election year, and Trump is once again at the forefront. I don't believe this will be a repeat of 2020. There are attempts to keep Trump out, but I still believe he is going to return. This, too, may not be a straight path. I don't pretend to know how it's all going to play out. But once he does get back, we are going to see things we've never seen before. It's going to get bumpy between now and then, so hold on!