Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thoughts on evolution

1)Evolution breaks the laws of Thermodynamics and Entropy. Everything moves from order to disorder, never the reverse.

2)The fossil record does not show the thousands of transitional changes from one kind to the next that evolution would produce. Charles Darwin admitted this was a problem for his theory.

3)Things like an immune system and the ability for the blood to coagulate have to be there from the beginning, otherwise the organism would die before they had a chance to evolve.

4)Macro evolution, that is the changing of one kind to another kind, has never been observed in nature or recreated in the laboratory and cannot hold up to the Scientific Method. Mutations usually result in handicaps.

5)DNA research links us to a common ancestor known as Mitochondrial Eve.

6)Carbon dating is not always reliable the further back you go, and it assumes the rate of decay has always been consistent through out time. Also things like volcanic activity can effect carbon dating and make things look older than they actually are.

7)If Humans are 200,000 years old why did it take so long for the population to reach 7 billion? And why is the bulk of recorded human history limited to the past 3,000-4,000 years or so?

8)Humans should not be evolving the same exact way. We should see more variations in structure and differing appendages.

9)Things like the eyes and ears are complex systems of individual parts interdependent on each other to function. These systems must be complete from the start otherwise they serve no purpose.

10)Evolution does not explain how life began, life has never been observed to come from non-life.

11)How did a complex double-stranded molecule such as DNA, a molecule that falls apart at temperatures over 200 degrees Fahrenheit, not only self organized but also managed to find a way to protect itself inside a cell? How was the original DNA transcribed, without promoters, without tRNA, without mRNA, and without ribosomes? How did the scaffolding proteins happen to come along just in time to enable long strands of DNA to compact and fit into a tiny cell, that it manged to find for itself? How did that cell learn to divide?

12)There is no known observable process by which new genetic information can be added to an organism's genetic code.

13)Just because Christians don't believe in the "theory" of evolution mean they are anti-science. Science is much more than one theory on origins. In fact many of the early scientists were Christian. Virtually all scientists from the middle ages to the mid-eighteenth century were Christian and explained their motivation of the pursuit of science in religious terms.

14)The human race is not getting better with time as Darwinism and natural selection would have us beleive. Geneticist Dr. John Sanford in his book, Genetic Entropy, says the human race is currently degenerating at 1-2 % per generation due to accumulation of mutations and "The extinction on the human genome appears to be just as certain and deterministic as the extinction of stars, the death of organisms, and the heat death of the universe."

15) It requires faith to accept something that has not been proven. Evolution, as Darwin described, cannot even stand up to the Scientific Method, nor can it explain how life came from inert matter.
It requires more faith than believing in a creator.

16)The sudden emergence of life (i.e. the Cambrian explosion), is best explained by the creation model.

17)Macro evolution has its limitations. Moreover genetic mutations usually result in handicaps. What Darwin described was macro evolution, that is changing from one kind to another kind. What Darwin describes has never been witnessed or recreated in the lab, scientist have not even been able to create a blade of grass from nothing. There is no known observable process by which new genetic information can be added to an organism's genetic code. Macro evolution and Micro evolution are two different methods. It would take more than macro evolution to get from a single celled organism to a complex organism.