Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Understanding Levitical law

  There is some confusion on how Levitical or Mosiac law relates to Christians. They are often used to accuse Christians of cherry picking the Bible, however such accusations are made out of ignorance. There are 613 Levitical laws that fell into one of three categories: civil, ceremonial, and moral. Civil related to the affairs of government. Ceremonial related to the affairs of the priest, sacrificial laws, dietary laws, cleansing, etc. Moral laws related to sexual sins, stealing, murder, the ten commandments, and so on.

The civil and ceremonial laws were specifically intended for Israel at that time, under the Old Covenant. Some may wonder here why God cared about what His people ate or why sanitation was important. However, these laws did have practical applications. The ceremonial laws taught proper hygiene. In fact, during the middle ages as the black plague was sweeping across Europe, Jews were often less affected specially because their religious faith promoted better hygiene and sanitation. As for the dietary laws, most of what God forbade them to eat was actually unhealthy. The Israelites at this time, of course, had no concept of nutrition. However, God did and it is perfectly reasonable that he would want His chosen people to remain healthy.

Christians have never the Levitical laws, especially the the civil and ceremonial laws. However, we do still observe the moral laws, which is universally binding and still applicable today. If something was morally wrong in the Old Testament, it is still morally wrong in the New Testament. The difference is now we live in an age of grace, and breaking those laws don't come with an automatic death sentence as they did in the Old Testament. However, the wages of sin are still death, that is eternal separation from God.
The Levitcal laws were ultimately meant to teach right from wrong. It's been said the laws were given to show the Isralite people that they needed a Messiah, because it was impossible to keep all the laws perfectly. As such, every year an animal sacrifice was needed to atone for the sins of the nation. Jesus being sinless and blameless became the perfect sacrifice and the Levitcal laws became unnecessary.